Lockdown Blog 3

New Bulletin

It seemed as though the whole nation stopped to watch the Government’s announcement on Monday. That in itself is part of our new normal. Previously major news bulletins were shown in a midday bulletin or at the more traditional 6pm time slot. But these days the majority of us are home lining up at 4pm on a Monday for a new level announcement. 

Everyone that is, apart from essential workers who are more than likely working their butts off harder than ever before. I’ve been lucky enough to only have to deal with one sort of essential worker, the courier driver. Never having been much of an online shopper, I was totally unaware of the absolute thrill that runs from head to toe when you see that courier van slow down as it passes your house. I now sit there silently urging them to stop at my place, whilst trying to frantically remember if I actually ordered anything that could potentially be delivered today. And not only is it the feeling of euphoria of receiving a parcel (especially when its filled with bottles of gin and whiskey!), but these days it’s the beaming smile and friendly wave of the courier driver that makes it seem more special than before.

So as we head into Level 3 next week and we are allowed to start sending you parcels from our store, take a minute to appreciate the person doing the actual delivery. We would all be lost without them. 

Stay Safe :-)


*Get your own feeling of euphoria by visiting our online store and waiting expectantly for the courier van arrive at your place next week!

1 comment

  • Daph

    You are so funny…. great read as usual

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